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- Blog way more!!!
- Work on POP!
- Organize activity for DOSOMETHING.ORG with RHA
- Photoshoot with Lisa and Darren
- Handle camera situation with circuit city
I finally got a job. YAY ME! I also am finally writing an article for the paper. School seems to be going fine except the whole waking up early thing. I still have to figure out my whole dormitory set up for next year by next week. And i have some really cute clothes for my phootoshoot with Darren.
Today they were filming gossip girl by my school. I saw Blake Lively but not Chuck Ed Westwick, sad face. Also, TOPSHOP was having an opening party but we couldn't get in. No surprise. Tomorrow after class I am off to search for the top shop van for freebies and Ed Westwick for a photograph.
When I first discovered Fafi's art I became infatuated with the sexual yet cute cartoons. I made several attempt to even meet the artist, herself (failed). Now looking back at photos of her amazing artwork I still find myself in awe. I cannot wait to the day I meet her. I want to ask her to draw a Fafinette cartoon image of me so I can turn it into a tattoo. I will not let anyone other than Fafi design it. I can wait for that day.
- Blog at least once a week including pictures or video
- Obtain a steady job( interview this Thursday )
- Write at least one poem (i completely forgot to do one:[ again! lol )
- Do well on midterms and papers
- Read more
- Do more personal art projects
I finally got Adobe CS4!! Thanks Kenny, Josh, & Frank. Since then I've been using my free time to create line art. This month is crazy busy and kind of crept up on me. I'm still dealing and managing and progressing. More to come.