Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Save Room

This just might hurt a little, love hurts sometimes when you do it right, don't be afraid of a little bit of pain pleasure is on the other side. . .
My whole outlook on life and relationships has changed in such a short time. When you're inexperienced you have so much hope in your soul that nothing is impossible; then you experience pain, fell hope, doubt all, but finally you learn, you grow, and try harder.Right now I'm at the learning/growing stages. I'm still young, I have much to learn and a lot more growing up to do. People often say "it's better to have loved and lost than never to love at all" and I never believed it but now I feel its it true more than ever. Even if you've loved and lost you still experienced that great feeling of love that everyone should have at least one. Everyone needs it despite what they believe. So I'll save room for love.