Sunday, October 5, 2008

24 hours

I'm sick of wish I'm here You've gone your way, you've made it clear Why do i feel you everywhere?. . .
Currently on my bed. Thinking about how stupid I am. He hurt me. Yet, my heart is still calling out for him. I always swore to myself I wouldn't be like those girls who were ignorant to the truth until it was too late. Was I ignorant too? Is it too late? Had our relationship always been this bad. It's only exactly 24 hours, yet so much as changed. I'm scared. Scared that others might have feel his pain. I know the only way to console him is to submit. But is it worth giving myself up? Am I stupid for worrying about him so much, when he was wrong? Why do I feel terrible? Why does the silence remind me of the painful empty feeling that came into my heart 24 hours ago? Why does every thought of him bring me to tears? Why do I wish we were still together? Am I stupid? I truly lost a very important part of me 24 hours. Will I ever get it back? Do I need it? I need help. I think I'm at the point where my heart can't break anymore. Does that mean things are going to get better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the question do you want him back but its not as important as do you need him back wanting and needing is two different things I'm not going to tell you what to do in this situation I'm just gonna tell you of you don't need him don't take him back and if you do take him back tell him why.
